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Train Ambulance in Delhi


We, Siya AIR & Train AMBULANCE SERVICES INDIA Pvt. Ltd provides train ambulance services in delhi and throughout India. Our attendants are available at our clients’ locations. Patients are observed and given the finest medical care possible until they arrive at the hospital. Our rail ambulance is outfitted with cutting-edge technology, providing the necessary atmosphere during an emergency. Our medical personnel is selected based on the patient’s severe condition and needs. The helpful personnel will assist you at every stage. Our services are known for their dependability, integrity, and timeliness.


We strive to provide a seamless and comfortable 100% concern bed-to-bed patient transfer from Delhi, Patna, Ranchi, Kolkata, and other stations. Our major goal is to transport patients in ICU-like conditions by rail. We move the patient in AC III, AC II, and AC 1st class; typically, we book at least four berths in AC III, AC II, and AC I tiers and convert them to an IC U set up all ICU equipment such as a ventilator, cardiac monitor, infusion pump, suction pumps, oxygen cylinders, and other ICU equipment.





Siya AIR & Train AMBULANCE SERVICES INDIA Pvt. Ltd offers rail ambulance services in delhi

at an affordable cost so that people can readily use our services. We provide an ICU setup aboard the train to transfer critical patients without incident. We have medical escorts on the train to monitor the patient’s health during the ride. We provide patient shifting trains so patients can be safely and comfortably transferred to another city. Our rail ambulance is the most effective mode of medical transportation. Rail ambulance services are provided from Patna, Ranchi, Kolkata, Guwahati, and other major Indian railway stations.


Siya Air & Train Ambulance Services India Pvt. Ltd.

Siya Air and Train Ambulance Services is always available to fulfil your evacuation needs.

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